"Service Design" for Leaders


Service Design has become an important driver for growth and development in many countries. More and more people have started to implement Service Design to transform companies and see  fundamental results. Let’s all take a look at CBi China Bridge's new book “Transformation by Service Design in China” (in short, known as "Service Design")and learn more about the benefits of Service Design. 

On April 23, 2019, “Transformation by Service Design in China” was officially published and a press release was held. In just one month this book was listed as top 25 on Dangdang management book ranking. The significance of this book is to introduce service design to managers, and help businesses innovate.

So, what is the connection between service design and management? 



Service Design and Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker is renowned in the world of modern management. Peter Drucker believes that the value of human beings must be affirmed in management. Drucker attaches great importance to people – this coincides with the beginning of the “Transformation by Service Design in China(user centric)


HZ Book chose this cross-border topic of service design as their key recommendation for this year: “Because we have a strong resonance with CBi China Bridge, and this book gives insight into the consumer demands and understand people's emotions."



Service Design and Inamori Kazuo  

Inamori Kazuo, a world-famous industrialist and philosopher who has created two Fortune Global 500 companies. His mission is to contribute to the advancement of human society while pursuing employee spirit and material wealth. Coincidentally, "Transformation by Service Design in China" not only refers to serving employees, but also includes "employee experience", treating employees as internal customers, respecting employees, improving their experience, and providing employees with valuable services.


Many management books talk about shareholder value, social responsibility, and customer service, but few books talk about serving staff and grow with employees.”  Wang Lei, CEO of HZ Book said.



Service Design and Chen Chunhua

Chen Chunhua, is one of the most famous professor in business, and famous in corporate culture and strategy. She believes that symbiosis, sharing, co-creation is the evolutionary path for the future of corporate organizations. 

"Co-creation is not a new concept. However, in the Internet era, people open their minds, making symbiosis, sharing, and co-creation possible." HZ Book CEO, Wang Lei said at the press conference.


"If there is no “together”, there will be no “creation”. Without “together”, there will be no “life”, no “together” or “win”. The concept of "together" becomes very important. If you don't understand this, you will be subverted." -Professor Chen Chunhua

Dean, BIMBA Business School, National Development Research Institute, Beijing University

It is precisely because of the "Transformation by Service Design in China" that coincides with so many masters and classic ideas. This is why so many CEOs have heavily pushed this book, and helped it reach top 25 ranking so quickly after publication. 



Cathy and Service Design

This is actually Cathy’s third publication. The first two publications were released in 2004 and 2007: about design management and design strategy respectively; these two concepts were both futuristic for their times.   

This time, “Transformation by Service Design in China” was published by HZ Books, and was directly included in the management section. Service Design is a concept that more and more people are starting to accept and incorporate. 



Service Design and HZ Books

HZ Books is a top publishing house in China. It is a landmark institution that cannot be circumvented by any professional who is engaged in business management. HZ Books has also published for renowned people such as Peter Drucker, Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Jack Trout, Phillipe Kotler, Ram Chalan and others.

Service design could help innovate and transform businesses, because of the great reaction towards service design; HZ Books published “Transformation by Service Design in China”.


2007-2019 Road to Becoming More  Influential



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